Monday, July 6, 2009

Wilkommen to Berlin

Berlin is a fascinating place!

The first thing you notice - especially for freshies like us, is the architecture. It is stunning, and makes you feel like you have been sucked into the 1940s as you meander down the Straßes. Without getting all WWII on you - Berlin seems to really respect how they once looked before everything got flattened, and restoration/rebuilding seems to always respect this classic code of design. A really good example of this is Potsdamer Platz. This is an area that became a big barren hole after the wall was torn down.. and the idea was to build it to be like a times square central point with style (they actually kind of failed here..). So.. if you are a big corporation - let's say Sony.. and you want to create a mega mall, then it is no problem at all. You just have to build a park somewhere else in the city that equates to the same realestate as you have taken from Potsdamer. Clever huh - and now the city is full of great parks to break the concrete jungle.

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