Monday, July 27, 2009

Hunting out Heidelberg

What a beautiful city this is! With our Sat Nav (Natalie we called her) playing tricks and games on us, we actually ended up first at a town called Neckerhausen.. convinced we had arrived in the gorgeous Heidelberg.. strangely no one was about - so we explored and took some photos. It was only when we tried to map the lonely planet guide against the streets that we discovered we had no idea where we were. Here are some pics from the gorgeous wee town of Neckarhausen.

With Natalie back in shape we idled down the road to a town we couldn't miss - a truely magestic place cobbled and paved and banned from cars for it's pedestrian nature.
Above Heidelberg is the giant Schloss in disrepair from the French flattening it a while back - but now under reconstruction for the preservation of Unesco and I guess the tourism dollar this mecca attracts.

Ultimately Heidelberg is a student town - can you imagine that - being a student with this as your driveway to play in ?? Here is what the university they go to looks like.

Since the Euro is against us like an enemy lurking in the shadows close by, we decided to try and save a few by camping. Most camp sites in Germany are actually fantastic - with Wifi, hot showers, restaurants and some even with swimming pools. This one was almost none of the above - but it did have a river running beside it and a nice cafe breakfast.

This is a very typical German breakfast;
Bread rolls
Nutella - seriously - it's a home brand here - nutella everyday.. Mmmm
Coffee or tea
Ham, luncheon sausage, a boiled egg
Cheese and in this case half a block of camembert

All for 4euro - Yummmmmmm

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