Monday, July 27, 2009

The black forest and Freiburg

Ladesha was convinced her birthday must be in the black forest surrounded by cake, fairies and magic. So we packed up next morning and hit the scenic route through the forest to Freiburg. On the way we passed through the town of Baden - Baden which has 2 things going for it;
A) casino
B) Slightly more attractive - A Roman time bath!! Yes for 21 euro you can go and get pampered.
Clothes are strictly FORBIDDEN, and the price includes a massage and showering soaps.
But with the time not being our friend we skipped the naked baths to get to Camp Freiburg.

First of all - it must be said that the South of Germany is hot. We had come from 17º - and arrived at 32º. But the next day a freak storm came in and we ended up very wet and cold. It was OK though as the town was once again beautiful! Incredible architecture and a vein system of miniature canals ran though the whole city which was a very nice touch.

Our only photo - of the camp. This place actually had power, wifi, and a fantastic restaurant.. MMM mmmm

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