Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Tales from the Crypt

In the late afternoon sun I decided to go visit the famous Cimetière Montmartre.

In the 18th century the Parisian government decided that cemeteries were a health hazard - so the existing ones were exhumed (forming the catacombs which I will explore tomorrow) and new cemeteries on the outer skirts were formed. This is one of them.

Many famous artists were buried here, and I'm ashamed to say I haven't heard of most of them - but you may have - so click here if you're interested.

This really must be a site for the rich - as the crypts were like cute little churches stretching over 16 hectares. I was very drawn to looking through their little windows and seeing what was inside. So these following photos are a collection of the symbolic interiors of crypts.

I'm all by myself and sitting on a tomb when I notice my surroundings. Around me I'm surrounded by squawking black crows circling death.. why the graveyards ?? Why?? Not only were there crows, but wild BLACK cats as well.. my lord.

I'll sign this post off with a couple of photos of the graveyard layout.. What a fantastic place, I could have been filming a Alfred Hitchcock.

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