Monday, August 24, 2009

Arc de Triomphe

Absolutely stunning sight. Desh and I stood there for a few minutes taking in the scenery.. you know "wow, brilliant.. Uhh.. what shall we do now?.. like, do you want to go over there?"
"Mmmm, you know, I feel like I have seen it really"..
Went like this for a bit when we found our entertainment!
Let me show you a picture first and then I will explain;

Here she is in all her glory. What we are standing in front of - is one of the worlds largest round-a-bout gauntlet runs. Behind us is an underground tunnel that takes you to the other side (do you really think the French would make you run all the way over there amongst traffic - it would be funny I admit).
Interesting point is the tunnel seems to be missed by most people - so they hover on the edge of the curb and see others looking back. Jealousy and desire fills the brain, and they get the urge to be there and just run out. Here comes the funny part. . they start when the road is quiet, but half way in it gets chocka with buses, cars, taxis and motorbikes. It never seems to fail, and it is even funnier when they realise their mistake in the middle and run the 50 metres back.

In the end I had to start telling people about the tunnel, as I couldn't take it anymore. Asians seemed to be the worst culprits - I guess the traffic felt just like home to them.

Below is a 4 step guide of what happens, demonstrated by our game tourist.

AS you can see by step 4 - he hasn't quite made it - but he has become a moving target for 2 buses and 2 cars.

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