Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Does size really matter

Everywhere we go is a canvas for graffiti - what I really love though is the scale that people work to. I mean, seriously .. look at the scale of this bad boy! The second shot shows the detail of the dripping paint as if this colossal 3 storey high spaceman is melting over the city.

Let's compare it to another piece on the same street.. equally as beautiful, but blink and you may miss it.. existing on a 1/1 scale.

On a side note. Imagine being a kid in a city with candy/toy vending machines on every street containing wee treats! Berlin is your place. It is like a time warp - every jaw breaker is dimly visible through the beaten yellowed window - like they have been sitting there through all time waiting for a sucker who can't resist spending 20c on a 30 year old jaw breaker.

Today I found a gem. This one promised a miniature 'Rapper' of your own for 50c!! Bargain.. except that the other day I pumped 2 sessions of coins to win a skull from another box - and instead got a pair of earrings and 2 tiny stickers.. Grrr.. to be a kid again.

You have to love their humour - check out photo no.2.. 50c buys you '50 cent'

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