Sunday, August 16, 2009

The apartment on the mount of martyrs

As you may have gathered from the last post - we are very lucky to have a place to stay in Paris. So I thought I would show you the Parisian headquarters. We are positioned in Rue Ravignan which is the heart of the hill.

First you should know that we have to climb 6 stories of fairytale styled stairs before getting through the door.. at the end of the day and 20kms of walking it ain't a pretty sight seeing us swaggering up the flights knocking into wall and then rail. Here's the vertigo view looking down from up.. lordy

Let me take you into our tight front entrance. So the camera here is looking towards the door - it opens onto the kitchen bench.

Lets rotate 180 and enter the living room.

You see the door in the distance - OK - let's move into the Boudoir where Desh can model for us.

What's out the window you ask? Just our jandals.. sorry I think you call them sandals here so as not to reveal our identity!! hah ahhahahahah

And of course a view to the centre of our apartment block - so long and narrow - fantastic!

If we angle up slightly you will see that we look direct onto the rooftops - I actually love this view - as the chimneys of Paris are everywhere - and dominate us with their classic style.

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