Sunday, October 11, 2009

Homeward bound - Hong Kong and Macau

This is it - one last taste of Asia before reality hits.. and Hong Kong is a fabulous place to have one last nudge at holiday life. You just have to put your blinders on to the hoicking locals and admire the sites of this towering robot of a city.

Double decker trams may be the cutest form of transport in the whole world - they are so tall and narrow you could imagine bullying one and pushing it over.

Hong Kong was fun to explore - but a one hour ferry away is Macau, Casinos and gambling fever. The local streets can be rather fruity.

Shark fins are for sale in most shops.. poor lil' buggers.

A pretty weird street statue - with hitched short skirt .. .. fair enough

Being Asia there are typically crowded streets with apartments growing like wild weeds.

Window washer races.. hours of fun

The interior of the MGM Grande - littered with tourist Pandas making you feel ill with cute appeal.

Inside the Venetian Casino is a replica of - guess what - Venice - with trained Philippino Opera singers ready to escort you by boat through canals in full slightly off tune.

The Venetian from outside.

We stayed at Kim and Sharom's apartment in Macau - they are ex pats and live the right lifestyle with a massive luxo pad - maid - and cocktails for the fabulous.

This is the view to the city centre of Macau - it is amazing how little visibility there is as China wafts over their pollution problems.

At this other Casino called 'city of dreams' has a giant video dome you can stand in and watch their story of the legendary Casino's magic powers - and their relationship to the almighty dragon.

Note this Jellyfish that drops from the ceiling and showers the centre with a water display.

The dragon was a bit too quick for the camera. Check out the scale of the people below.

I am a man who loves tentacles - this was a treat

The ride out to the airport on their futuristic train - quite beautiful in some parts.. looking like buildings growing from the grassy hills behind the tree line.

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