Saturday, September 26, 2009

Slovenia and our Prison accommodation

Slovenia is incredible - I would love to explore the whole country. We got to see part of it traveling on eurail from Vienna down to the capital city Ljubljana. I was actually shocked at how breathtaking this place is - especially at night with the candle lit moss green river, and cocktail bars to sit and enjoy the view over a dangerous concoction or two.

One of our highlights here was staying in a ex military prison. The prison has been converted into accommodation and each room is a cell that has been individually designed by separate architects. Ours happened to feel kind of Indonesian with lots of wood and loft style bunks.

Outside of the prison was actually a pretty out of control squat, but they did have some cool graffiti.

A riverside berry cocktail.. two please.. ahh.. two more please.

The view from the castle that stands on a hill in the middle of the town.

Did I say that I love Slovenia? Damn I love this place.

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